Illustration By Hildos ©2013
They say that one of the key differences between winners and losers is that winners know who they are… In fact, Mark Twain said the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why…interesting… on the same issue Oscar Wilde said ‘be yourself everyone else is taken…hmmm?… ok so who am I? Yes who am I? Hello anyone remaining there?
Hello, hello people I am back ….
Blog #3
Blog #2
Blog # 1
In my quest of taking a quantum leap, I mentioned in my last blog a book that I read ‘Where will you be five years from today’? But as I said it was more like a ‘play book’ that will help you get the most out of the next five years and may be more…
Well after reading the book and doing the exercises, I noticed that all the ideas mentioned in the book focus on knowing who you are …hmm… I couldn’t help but wonder:
Is knowing who you are enough?
Aren’t there people out there who know who they are but don’t give permission to themselves to be? Don’t you know some people who started with dreams and just forgot about it or gave up… couldn’t hold on to the pain… or just capitulated to other’s people expectations… hmm? Right no?
Aren’t we taught that pain is dangerous? But in fact isn’t it more meant to wake us up or to inspire us?
So which is harder: to follow your dreams or to avoid them and walk way?
Is it true that everything we want is on the other side of fear?
If so how do you break up with our fears?
One of my friends told me once:
OMG is there something that you haven’t done? True story guys…
Well let me share with you something about me, yah I had different jobs and have put myself out there…Sometimes I did a good job other times lousy but all in all it was a good expedition… I was the teacher, the designer, the illustrator, the teacher again, the career counsellor (even though I needed counselling myself :)), the marketer, the human resource manager, the actor and I enjoyed every minute of it …but what was that? Was it all an endless pursuit? Re-inventing myself? … Or more like DETERMINATION AHA there it’s… ladies and gentlemen my AHA moment D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N… to what? In my case to self-discovery!! Well to be honest didn’t get it by myself… a friend of mine mentioned it when he recommended me the other day… 🙂
When I was eight years old, I was playing on the swing in the garden and I decided to try jumping from it. I might have tried like a 100 times with shoes, no shoes, one hand, two hands… every time I fell and with all my bruises it hurt more and more but it didn’t stop me ….well I did not get it right away… But finally I did after so many trials! Yes… well… at least this is what I convinced myself after all the bruises :). But the funny thing that happened is our doorman who was watering the garden at the time looked at me and smirked on every fall apparently it was funny…NOT!! And still it didn’t stop me…